Copake Town Board member Bob Sacks throws the Register-Star editorialists for a loss in the following letter, just submitted this morning:
To the Editor:
What a fascinating editorial. I surmise that it was either written by someone who did not go to the court to follow the details of this case or at best it was written by someone who did not grasp the firmness and specificity of election law. The editorial stated, “The Republicans had laudable intentions in trying to keep voters voting where they have the most vested interest, and that in and of itself is a slippery slope not easily interpreted in election law."
How did you decide that the prevention of voting in America was laudable? Exactly where are the good intentions in preventing Americans to vote as they are entitled to do by state law?
And I would ask how you are able to determine "where they have the most vested interest"? Are you going to tell me and the citizens of Columbia County that the Register Star knows where each individual has the most vested interest? Or are you saying that it is the right of a political party to tell people where they can and cannot vote? In this case you are suggesting that the Republicans should be able to determine when and where it is "correct" for a citizen to vote. Does that sound like American democracy to you?
How did the Register Star determine that election law is not easily interpreted? In fact, it is quite easy to interpret the law, as the courts have done over and over again. I’m not clear why you so easily dismiss the actions of the court. The courts have determined that people have the right to choose where they will vote, providing they have a residence in that place. Your editorial suggests that it should be up to a political party to determine where a person votes, and that is the big slippery slope you wish to ignore.
Robert Sacks