Oral arguments are being heard today in the long-running Wilzig racetrack case, by the Third Judicial Department of the Appellate Division. The burden is on Alan Wilzig and his attorneys to prove why a previous court ruling by Judge Patrick McGrath should be overturned, a tall order. In early January of this year, McGrath granted a permanent injunction sought by the Granger Group,
“enjoining the Town of Taghkanic, Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Taghkanic, Town of Taghkanic Planning Board, Dennis Callahan as Code Enforcement Officer and Building Inspector for the Town of Taghkanic or any other employee or agent of the Town of Taghkanic from issuing a Building Permit, Certificate of Compliance and/or Certificate of Occupancy or Site Plan approval for the sporting course or track located on the Wilzig property and Alan Wilzig and Karin Wilzig are permanently enjoined form using, constructing, or completing the sporting course or track in any way or manner as well as any agent, guest or invitee of Alan or Karin Wilzig.”
Arguments are scheduled to be heard at 1 pm today on the 5th Floor of the Robert Abrams Building at Empire State Plaza.