Word salad photo illustration via Wickenden (CC license)
Spotting the typographical errors which riddle the pages of our local media is a favorite pastime of area newspaper readers. While everyone makes typing mistakes (including the author of this blog), the Johnson-owned Hudson Valley Newspapers chain is arguably the richest regional source of such blunders... One often gets the sense that their spellcheck software has its own unique sense of humor.
Here are some of the very best typos spotted locally in recent years:
- an escarole account might be created
[escrow] Sesame Campbell, Chatham Courier
- Doctors Without Boarders
[Borders] Jamie Larson, Register-Star
- the council voted 6-5 that a seeker be sent to the state
[SEQR] Christine D'Agostino, Register-Star
- Attorney General Andrew Quomo
[Cuomo] Jamie Larson, Register-Star
- First Pubic School in New York
[Public] Editor unknown,* Register-Star
- challenges to duel residents
[dual] Jamie Larson and Francesca Olsen, Register-Star
- nooks and grannies
[crannies] Author unknown, Daily Mail
(spotted at Dick May’s Seeing Greene)
- Army Core of Engineers
[Corps] Jamie Larson, Register-Star
If you have some old favorite typos—or spot a new example of word salad in the area press—email your nominations by clicking here. And thanks to all who helped assemble this list; you know who you are...
* NOTE: Register reporter Andrew Amelinckx graciously submitted this item, but noted that while his byline was on the original story, he did not write or copyedit its headline. (Sure hope I typed “Amelinckx” correctly.)