Hudson Democratic operative Victor Mendolia threw a tantrum yesterday, when ordinary investigative journalism was applied here to one of his nominees. (Just because he may choose to be blindly partisan doesn't mean that thoughtful Democrats have to fall in line, too.)
And as it happens, The Albany Times-Union today is publishing its own report today on Julian Schreibman's campaign finances. Lo and behold, the paper reaches the same conclusion as I did yesterday in my own post on the topic: namely, that the Ulster County Democrat is relying heavily on New York City and out-of-State donors. This fact will surely be exploited by his GOP opponent, Chris Gibson, if Schreibman wins the primary but doesn't start raising some grassroots cash, and if the party establishment thought this would be overlooked by either Republicans or the press, they'd have to be even less politically astute than many already thought.
Meanwhile, friends in Brooklyn and Connecticut with no connections to the area, but who like me overlapped with Schreibman at Yale in the same residential college, report getting fundraising calls from his campaign at home. (Neither of us have any recollection of Schreibman from our dorm; but for all I know, I served Julian keg beer when he was a freshman and I was a senior.)
As also noted yesterday, but overlooked by Mendolia in his haste to object, I'll be doing a similar report on Gibson's finances in the near future... Gibson appears to have many more local donors, while also raking in a lot more PAC funding. He has roughly four times the cash on hand that Schreibman does.