David Byrne writes in today’s Guardian about his growing disaffection with New York City and its income inequality:
If young, emerging talent of all types can't find a foothold in this city, then it will be a city closer to Hong Kong or Abu Dhabi than to the rich fertile place it has historically been. Those places might have museums, but they don't have culture. Ugh. If New York goes there – more than it already has – I'm leaving. But where will I go? Join the expat hipsters upstate in Hudson?
That would represent the first time ever that Byrne has been behind the cultural curve: His former bandmates in the Tom Tom Club played a benefit at the Basilica Industria in Hudson to assist the cement plant fight—way back in 2004.
[h/t: Chris Bishop]
[n.b: Hudson is also featured, somewhat more flatteringly, in the November issue of Architectural Digest. The feature is not yet online.]